
Fieldwork and Ethnography

In its 22 years of existence, the Ethnological Museum of Thrace has managed to gather an invaluable treasure.

A note from the founder

For me, being able to hear other people’s stories has been a precious gift. Founding the Museum, being accepted and giving back. EMT is the product of human relations and social bonds, that give life new meaning. These still act as an incentive for the Museum to continue to supply society and be supplied with memories and knowledge. Every day we open the glass door by holding the beaten iron door knob, a gift from an exquisite craftsman and fellow citizen, whilst the wooden 1900 Cross, used for the sanctification of the Museum, has been a generous donation of Ortakio (Ivailograd) minister. These two objects, symbolic and true, mark the philosophy and relationship of the Museum with the local community that it belongs to and is open to each and every calling it makes.
I would like to thank all those marked by the bitter memories of leavign their homes for the unknown, those who strived to cultivate their land, people I have met during my endless walks at the villages in Thrace. I would like to thank these people for our discussions regarding both yesterday and today, their lost fortunes (bereketia) and immigration. Thank them for our endless chats, for educating me, leading me to a conclusion that defined me. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who has shared their own individual story or the big picture, references, memories, sometimes with no hesitation, or while staring silent at the horizon beyond the river. I would like to say thank you to all those who rely on the work of the Museum and help enrich its collection by donating books, clothes, costumes, weaponry, jewelry, tools, utensils and evidence, justifying and legalizing their choices. I am grateful to everyone who has gifted us with little things, mementos brought to their new homes, carrying trivial stories, personal or collective, smells, sounds, images of their birth place.
All those who gifted us with every day, modest and luxurious objects, both of the same value, hiding stories about eyes that have seen a lot, bosoms tenderly holding babies and warming up cocoons, about hands that ploughed and sowed, harvested, pruned, weaved; processes and techniques where we can recognize our civilization archetypes.

Angeliki Giannakidou


The Ethnological Museum of Thrace is at the forefront of culture throughout Evros Prefecture and responds to the human need for safekeeping the historic memory and cultural heritage, with the development of a significant book, pamphlet and audiovisual collection, depicting the cultural heritage of the region and assisting in its dissemination.
In its 17 years of operation, the library covers the entire spectrum of human knowledge, by placing emphasis on local and popular tradition, folklore and archaeology. The historic books and studies documenting local history from ancient times up to this day, are at the core of the collection. Encyclopedic knowledge is available in order to cover educational and research needs as well as carry out assignments and projects.
The library collection is constantly updated. Part of the printed material is published by EMT, counting 5000 volumes and 25 scientific magazines.

In particular, the library collection includes the following thematic fields:

  • Greek and foreign language books on various subjects
  • Historic books and dissertations of different education establishments
  • Local publications, books and scientific magazines
  • Rare documents and publications
  • Information material (encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps, guides, bibliographies)
  • Greek and foreign language novels
  • Pre-school books, children’s literature, teen novels
  • Fairytale collection
  • Poem collection

The collection is complemented by audiovisual material including movies, documentaries, DVDs, CDs.
In order to renew and update the library with the use of new technology, the Museum is about to introduce a new program (KOHA 3.2); an open code library management system that provides full library automatization and full bibliography availability through Open Access Catalogue (OPAC). Visitors of the digital library will be able to search and browse the digital material by gathering all the information they’re interested in with the possibility of a discount.

The main way of organizing the library is following the universal library rules.The descriptive cataloguing of the library material is done based on Anglo-American cataloguing rules, 2 nd rev, ed. Thematic indexing goes by the Thematic Headings Catalogue of the National Library of Greece and the Sears List of Subject Headings, all translated and adapted to the Greek language. The Decimal Classification System (Dewey Decimal Classification) is then applied for classification purposes.
In order to complete this effort, our future aim is the full digitalization of thelibrary collection, by creating an electronic Open Access Catalogue (e-OPAC).The library material is only available on the Museum premises, as borrowing is not possible.

Intangible heritage

In collaboration with Myllonelis and the ministry of culture

